Services Provider for Implementation of HIV/AIDS and Human Trafficking Awareness Program




Aus4Transport Program – Stream B Activity

The Aus4Transport Program is a facility granted by the Government of Australia (GOA) through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to the Government of Vietnam (GOV) through the Ministry of Transport (MOT). The goal of the Program is to increase investment in Vietnam transport infrastructure leading to an improved national transport network that supports economic growth and poverty reduction.

The GOV has received a Loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to undertake the Northern Mountain Provinces Transport Connectivity Project (NMPTCP), the Project.[1] Part of the GOA grant has been used for financing the consulting services for the detailed design and documentation (DDD) of the NMPTCP and for the design and implementation of the non-engineering components including a community-based Road Safety Awareness Campaign, an HIV/AIDS and Human Trafficking Awareness Program (HHTAP), and an Axle Load Control Program. The MOT, acting as the Project owner, has the overall responsibility for overseeing the Project implementation. MOT has assigned the Project Management Unit No.2 (PMU2) to be responsible for the Project implementation at the national level. DFAT has engaged a Program Managing Contractor (PMC), DT Global Australia Pty Ltd, to be responsible for the management of the Program. The PMC will be responsible for recruiting, jointly with PMU2, the HHTAP implementation Service Provider, negotiating and executing the HHTAP implementation contract with the successful Service Provider, including overseeing and monitoring progress and releasing the contractual payments.

The Project will improve and upgrade two national highways and two provincial roads sections totalling 199 km. The Project’s roads connect several towns and districts in the provinces of Lai Chau, Lao Cai and Yen Bai to the Noi Bai–Lao Cai Expressway.

The improved connectivity will (i) provide reliable access to basic social services such as education, health care, job training, and emergency disaster relief, and (ii) increase economic and employment opportunities for the people of the north-western provinces, especially the poor ethnic minorities. The enhanced connectivity to the Noi Bai–Lao Cai Expressway will provide further opportunities for cross-border trade with the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the People’s Republic of China. The HHTAP will raise awareness among vulnerable and at-risk population groups of the risks of HIV/AIDS and human trafficking, thereby reducing their vulnerability during both the construction and operation phases of the Project.

The Service Provider recruited to manage the HHTAP will provide the following services: (i) Supporting the local authorities and relevant HIV/AIDS and Human Trafficking stakeholders to implement the HHTAP; (ii) providing formal and on-the-job training to stakeholders and implementation partners; (iii) developing information, education and communication materials that are culturally and linguistically appropriate to the target audiences; (iv) advocacy with key stakeholders including the construction contractor companies and entertainment centre owners; and (v) monitoring and evaluation of the HHTAP. The services will be implemented before and continuing throughout the construction period, commencing in November 2021, and performed over a period of 36 months.

Aus4Transport, now invites eligible national organisations including institutions and non-government organisations (Service Providers) to express their interest in providing the Services. Interested Service Providers should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The pre-qualification criteria are: (i) experience in planning, developing and implementing HIV/AIDS and/or human trafficking awareness campaigns and Information, Education and Communication programs; (ii) relevant experience in delivering such programs on transport or construction projects, and/or in the project area; (iii) availability of the required resources and expertise required to implement, monitor and evaluate the HHTAP; and (iv) key specialists with fluent working knowledge of English (CVs of personnel who may be proposed for the assignment to be provided with the Expressions of Interest).

Interested Service Providers may associate with other national organisations in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy agreement to enhance their qualifications.

A Request for Proposals will be issued to the short-listed consultants in due course. The Service Provider will be selected in accordance with a quality and cost-based selection method.

Further information can be obtained at the email address below only.

With the exception of some specific documents such as company registration, all the documents must be submitted in English.

The Expressions of Interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below by mail or in an electronic form to [email protected], by 04:00 pm on 15 September 2021, Viet Nam time.

Aus4Transport Office
Suite 10-03, 10th floor, HCO Building
44B Ly Thuong Kiet Str., Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel:       +84 24 37347559
E-mail:  [email protected]


Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2021-09-15