Consultant(s) to conduct a baseline studies on pesticides in South East Asia (Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia)

Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS) is one of six major political foundations in the Federal Republic of Germany. Affiliated with the German Left party, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung nurtures and promotes democratic socialism. We are striving to develop alternative approaches for transforming society toward a more united and just one. With this approach, we are facilitating political analysis, education, and dialogues, both in Germany and worldwide.

RLS currently has 26 offices worldwide. In over 80 countries, we are working with partners, including state agencies, academic institutions, and civil society organizations. From RLS Southeast Asia (RLS SEA) – Hanoi Office, we aim to contributing to ensure social, ecological and political rights for all as well as overcoming unequal power structures by promoting participatory decision making processes, political exchange and dialogue, leading to a fair distribution of wealth and resources and a healthy environment. To materialize this goal, we focus on three components including Social Justice, Social and Ecological Transformation, and Raising progressive Mekong voices in the ASEAN region. RLS SEA office in Hanoi is geographically working in five countries - Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand with a broader view into the Southeast Asia region.

Our food is a commodity, the ingredients of which we often have as little insight into as the social and ecological conditions under which it is produced. Biodiversity, productive soils, and water resources are growing scarce. Corporate power exerts increasing pressure on small-scale agricultural producers. In the Global South, they are deprived of their land and control over seeds. Farm workers are exploited in global supply chains and exposed to toxic pesticides on a daily basis.

The baseline studies on pesticides are planned to be conducted in Iraq, Palestine and South East Asia (Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia), contributing to the RLS global campaign for food sovereignty. RLS SEA – Hanoi Office is recruiting one consultant/ a group of consultants to conduct the baseline studies on pesticides in Thailand, Vietnam and Lao or Cambodia with detail analysis for the 5-year period from 2018 - 2023.

Application deadline: 15 May 2023

More detailed of the ToR is in the file attached.


Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2023-05-15