Call for Proposal: External Audit for 2023 Financial Statements of ActionAid International Vietnam (ActionAid Vietnam)


External Audit for 2023 Financial Statements

of ActionAid International Vietnam (ActionAid Vietnam)

Founded in the United Kingdom in 1972, ActionAid is a unique international organization, working with over 25 million people in 45 countries for a world free from poverty and injustice.

ActionAid International representative office in Vietnam (ActionAid Vietnam) is registered as international NGO working in country facilitating the poorest and most marginalized to build a better world. ActionAid Vietnam has been serving in the country since 1989, currently operates in 12 provinces and cities, serving more than 4 million people nationwide, focusing on supporting women and children, ethnic minorities, migrants, landless people, to participate actively in the development process.

ActionAid Vietnam ensures accountability and transparency to sustain organization’s financial health and legitimacy. The advert to call for expression of interests and offers to execute external audit for the year 2023.

We are looking for a qualified audit firm to facilitate audit for ActionAid Vietnam, covering the period from 1/1/2023 - 31/12/2023.

ActionAid Vietnam invites  potential entities to submit the proposal and all documentation required including:

  • Audit firm profile especially the working experience with INGO and development project,
  • Audit approach, methodology and work plan
  • Audit team members (CV and work experience).

Proposal written in English for this engagement should be submitted to ActionAid Vietnam before 16:00 on 1st February 2024.

The soft and hard originals of the proposal should be fully signed, sealed and sent to:

ActionAid International Representative Office in Vietnam,
18th Floor, 01 Luong Yen, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi
Email: [email protected]

Should there be further questions or clarification, please contact us via email: [email protected] within 16:00 on 1st February 2024.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2024-02-01