
Minutes and presentations in CCWG meeting - April 2014

This meeting covers a quick update about activities of the working group in recent months and an overview of Climate Change Adaptation policies in Vietnam. Also, there is be a session on the “Joint Adaptation Standards” initiative (JAS). JAS is a code of good practices for national adaptation planning that ensures the needs of the poor communities most vulnerable to climate change are met, and their rights respected. This is a collaborative process between civil society organizations in different countries, and between civil society and other actors, including government within each country.

Southern CCWG meeting on Adaptive livelihoods - 18 Dec 2013

Date: 19/12/2013

Venue: LIN Center for Community Development office, at 180/47 Nguyen Huu Canh, P.22, Q. Binh Thanh, HCMC (thanks LIN for offering the room)





Responsible person

Documents from IC3

Here will be the documents from the IC3 Conference.


Papers from the conference:

Conference Announcement



Thematic Presentations

Conference Thematic Workshops were divided into eight different sessions, each focussed on an area of development priorities. There were presentations from representatives of the INGO community as well as presentations from local government officials in the relevant area.

The presentations from these sessions can be viewed below:


Sharing on Inter-generation self-help club - a community-led development model by HelpAge International

Please click HERE to download the presentation on "Inter-generation self-help clubs - a community-led development models" shared by HelpAge International

Thank you,


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