Consultancy Roster for Proposal Development and Document Editing in English


Consultancy Roster for Proposal Development and Document Editing in English

Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty.

That means we tackle the inequality that keeps people poor. Together we save, protect and rebuild lives. When disaster strikes, we help people build better lives for themselves, and for others. We take on issues like land rights, climate change and discrimination against women. And we won’t stop until every person on the planet can enjoy life free from poverty.

Oxfam is a confederation of 20 organizations working together in more than 90 countries. We are part of a global movement for change, empowering people to create a future that is secure, just, and free from poverty.

Oxfam in Vietnam is working to seek transformative changes in policies, practices and beliefs in ways that will fundamentally improve the lives of poor and marginalized women and men and ensure that all citizens have the same opportunity to enjoy their rights. Oxfam in Vietnam current country strategy contributes to shaping the debate on extreme inequality in Vietnam and globally, our four-programme includes women rights’, building resilience to disaster, climate risks and emergency response, sustainable food and fair sharing of natural resources, and good governance.

All our work is led by three core values: Empowerment, Accountability, Inclusiveness. To read more about our values please click here.

Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and committed to promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. Oxfam expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our code of conduct. We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us.

Oxfam in Vietnam (OiV) is establishing a pre-screened pool of consultants for supporting program development, proposal development for fundraising as well as for editing other documents in English. Specifically:

1. In program development:

  • Providing strategic advice on program development in the themes of Gender Justice, Good Governance and Livelihood. That includes participating in program development workshops at OiV and working with OiV on developing strategic program documents.

2. In proposal development:

  • Review and advise OiV on improving key designs of project proposals for fundraising to maximize chance of winning against the criteria of the calls.
  • Edit English language in proposals in persuasive, clear, sharp,concise ways and suit the style of the related donors.

3. In editing other documents in English:

  • Review and comment OiV’s significant documents written in English in order to improve logic and comprehensiveness, for instance donor reports and research reports.
  • Edit English language in the documents to ensure correct, clear and precise presentation.

Selected candidates will be placed on a roster, from which appropriate consultants will be recruited for specific works at OiV in the period of 2021 – 2023. Tasks and deliverables will vary and be agreed per project.

Recruited consultants who are selected from the roster will work with different teams at OiV and under the supervision of the Country Office’s Senior Management Team.

Depending on specific assignments, the consultants can be requested to come to OiV office in Hanoi and/or arranged to work from distance.

Qualification and experience required for consultants on program development:

  • Master Degree on Social Science, International Development, Economics, Politics and other relevant subjects.
  • Minimum 10 years of relevant experience in development works, preferably in low-income and low-middle income countries.
  • Excellent understanding of development issues in low-income and low-middle income countries.
  • Hands-on experience of development works in Vietnam is an advantage. Innovative and critical thinking for program development and proposal development is required.
  • Proven experience of advisory roles for development organizations.
  • Experience in working with international non-governmental organizations and/or international development organizations is an advantage.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including ability to facilitate and communicate effectively to technical and nontechnical audiences and contribute to an interdisciplinary team.
  • Availability for rapid deployment on short notice.

Qualification and experience required for consultants on proposal development:

The consultants should meet all above requirements for consultants on program development plus the following additions:

  • Excellent understanding of key institutional and non-institutional donors. Having wide networks with existing and potential donors in Vietnam and good understanding of their priorities and funding strategies are advantages.
  • Good sense of donor’s styles and tastes is preferred.
  • Excellent grant writing skills with proven experience on high-quality grant writing.

Qualification and experience required for consultants on editing significant documents of Oxfam in Vietnam:

  • Native English speaker
  • Master Degree on Social Science, International Development, Economics, Politics and other relevant subjects.
  • Excellent editing skill with proven experience in high-quality editing in English language.
  • Experience in working with international non-governmental organizations and/or international development organizations is an advantage.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including ability to facilitate and communicate effectively to technical and nontechnical audiences and contribute to an interdisciplinary team.

Submission of application:

Interested candidates are kindly requested to apply by sending the following documents to [email protected] by 15th April 2021:

  1. CV
  2. Letter of interest and confirmation of availability.
  3. Performance evaluation reports or references of similar consultancy assignments (if available).
  4. Financial proposal with your consultancy daily rate.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2021-04-15