Consultancy Service for Project Final Evaluation

CARE International in Vietnam is a Non-Governmental Organisation representing the CARE International network in Vietnam since 1989. CARE in Vietnam contributes to the global effort on eliminating poverty and hunger, particularly for vulnerable and marginalized groups. In Vietnam, to achieve this, we work with Vietnamese partners across sectors such as health services, rural livelihood development, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.

CARE Vietnam is now seeking a qualified consultancy service for project final evaluation.

Interested consultants/agencies please study the details in the attached TOR file and send us your Application including (1) CV(s) in English stating the title, (2) a technical proposal for end-line survey and EoP evaluation (including work-plan); (3) indicative consultancy rate; and (3) sample of end of project evaluation report paying attention to the followings:

1. Use attached Quotation form
2. Properly sign and/or stamp your Application
3. Submit the Application in a sealed envelope.
4. Indicate outside envelop/subject with "Proposal for Consultancy Service for Project Final Evaluation".
5. Send your proposal via:
- Hand-deliver to CARE International office at 92 To Ngoc Van, Tay Ho, Hanoi
- Or Email to [email protected]

The deadline for submitting quotation and technical proposal is COB January 10th, 2016. If proposal is sent via post, it is the responsibility of the consultant to ensure postal arriving CARE VN before mentioned deadline. Proposals & quotation submitted after this deadline will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

Please be noted that work stations for this assignment is HN. Consultant will be entitled to consultant fee during working in work stations but not to perdiem. And vice versa, the Consultant will receive perdiem during travelling outside work stations but not consultant fees.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
CARE International in Vietnam
Application Deadline: 
Sun, 2016-01-10