CCWG Position Paper on Co-Benefits
A win-win situation. A call for better integrationof adaptation, mitigation and development for the people in Vietnam most vulnerable to climate change.
In a context of limited resources, but rapidly increasing adaptation and mitigation costs and needs, there is a growing need for more harmonized, cost-effective and efficient measures in the response to climate change.
Adaptation interventions that integrate mitigation, have significant socio-economic benefits, and target the most climate-vulnerable, is one of the most optimal and feasible solutions to this challenge.
What is the issue?
CCWG advocates for the Government of Vietnam (GoV) and development partners to prioritize 1) adaptation policies and measures that have mitigation as a secondary benefit, as well as 2) accomplish positive socio-economic development results, while simultaneously 3) tackle the underlying drivers or root causes of vulnerability by focusing on social groups most at risk of climate change. This is in line with the CCWG’s promotion of community-based climate change initiatives or CBCCI1 and the overall aim of equitable and sustainable development.