Presentations of HKI and FHF at EyesCare Working Group meeting in March, 2021


Sharing a new project “Model integration of preschool age’s vision screening, referral and treatment within the educational and health systems in Can Tho, Vietnam” from HKI and updated information from FHF: Please click the link below for details:

Call for EOI: Funding Opportunities for Vietnamese Digitalisation Initiatives

Round 3 now open

Funding opportunities for Vietnamese digitalisation initiatives

The Aus4Innovation program is now calling for expressions of interest in round 3 of their successful Innovation Partnership Grants.

Innovation Partnership Grants are designed to address emerging challenges or opportunities in Vietnam’s innovation ecosystem and strengthen Vietnam-Australia partnerships.

Under the theme ‘Enhancing Digital Transformation’, this round will focus on initiatives that have the potential to enhance digital transformation in the economy and deliver inclusive social impact. Suggested focus areas include:

Funding details
Due Date: 

MDF Scholarships

MDF Training & Consultancy would like to inform you that three MDF courses are available with full #MSP and Education and Scholarship details

Vietnam Side Event for Climate Adaptation Summit January 2021


The Climate Adaptation Summit 2021 (CAS, will be hosted by the Netherlands in January 2021 to accelerate, innovation and scale up the world’s efforts in adapting to the inevitable effects of climate change. CAS 2021 with the Anchoring Events,  Ministerial Dialogue on Adaptation, Supporting Events, and Side Events in countries will provide and launch initiatives to build the Adaptation Action Agenda.

Vietnam Side Event for the CAS 2021 on “Climate Resilient and Sustainable Development of Vietnam Mekong Delta” co-organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Viet Nam, the World Bank Viet Nam, WWF-Vie Nam, and the Netherlands Embassy in Viet Nam

Date:Thursday 7 January 2021

Time: 14.00 hrs in Hanoi. 

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