Consultancy Service for Project External Evaluation

The project “Strengthening Local Governance for Local Economic Growth in Vietnamese Cities”  (LoGoVic) is funded by the European Union and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) in Vietnam and implemented by the Association of Cities of Vietnam (ACVN). The project is a two year project from July 2013 to June 2015.

We want to conduct an interim external evaluation of the project, which is focused on creating an enabling environment for local economic growth in three pilot cities through enhanced local governance, the improvement of local living standards and the formulation of national recommendations for improved local governance for local economic growth.

The evaluation shall be conducted with respect to the EU External Action evaluation guidelines. The tasks of the external evaluator are:

  • To give a judgement about the relevance of the project for the development context;
  • To check if the overall and specific objectives will be achieved at the end of the implementation period;
  • To support monitoring processes and gathering of evidence/facts for measuring the results;
  • To check if the envisaged results will be achieved;
  • To evaluate effectiveness and efficiency of implementation;
  • To examine the impact of the project;
  • To evaluate the potential for sustainability of the project results.

Applicants must provide a EuropeAid-formatted CV in English and a short technical offer for the interim external evaluation.

Contact for applicants:

Mrs.Marion Fischer
Project Manager LoGoViC
ACVN, Knowledge Palace Building
80 Tran Thai Tong Street, CauGiay
Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone +84 4 3795 7015
[email protected]

Organisation Name:
Association of Cities of Vietnam - ACVN

Application Deadline: Fri, 2014-11-18

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Tue, 2014-11-18