Disability Working Group meeting


This is the first meeting of Disability Woking Group in 2014. The agenda will be as below:

1. Review TOR for revision if necessary
2. Select Group Co-chair, confirm the participant as core group members
3. Group Work Plan for 2014
4. Update activities on Support PWD projects from members

Further information, please contact the Co-Chairs of the Group Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Anh - Handicap International at [email protected]

and Mrs. Duong Thi Van - DPO Hanoi at [email protected]

Tel/fax. (84)4-3537 9257; (84)4-3538 0239
Email. [email protected]; [email protected]
5th floor, Cung Tri Thuc Hanoi, D25*, Tran Thai Tong str.,
Cau Giay Dist, Hanoi, Vietnam