Vietnamese Consultant "Capacity Building in Water Supply and Sanitation" Project

The “Water Supply and Sanitation Program in Binh Dinh Province” (WSSP) is a project funded by the Belgian and Vietnamese government, and attempts to improve the quality of life and the environment of the inhabitants from several communes in 6 districts of Binh Dinh Province (Phu Cat, Phu My, Tuy Phuoc, Tay Son, An Nhon and Hoai Nhon districts), through the following programme of activities:
1. Building the capacity of the agencies in charge of planning, designing, implementing and managing rural water schemes and solid waste management systems
2. Raising the awareness on the use of safe drinking water and on the preservation of water resources as well as on the importance of protecting the environment with proper recycling, disposal and treatment of domestic solid waste
3. Constructing rural water systems
4. Implementing solid waste treatment schemes
The Provincial Project Management Unit (PPMU) manages and implements the project. The PPMU is the first beneficiary of the service, but the work will also serve for PPC of Binh Dinh as Project owner and the Belgian Development Agency (BTC) as donor representative in the approval of project activities and budgets and in the supervision and follow-up of the programme. On the occasion of the start up of the “Water Supply and Sanitation Program in Binh Dinh Province” (WSSP), the Provincial Project Management Unit (PPMU), established at the Department of Planning and Investment of Binh Dinh province and represented by Mr. Nguyen Minh Tam, Vice director of DPI, requires the services of a national consultant in capacity building in water supply and sanitation. The purpose of this service is to assist the PPMU in drawing up the strategy, activity plan, budget, implementation modalities and timing for the following component of the programme:
Result 1: Capacity building of the related agencies

The national consultant in capacity building (and institutional development) will perform his/her duties in accordance with the Project’s Technical and Financial File (TFF).
The national consultant in capacity building will help the PPMU to prepare a capacity needs assessment of different agencies (partner organizations of the programme) and to draw up the work plan for
efficient capacity building and development of these partner organizations, including:
- Capacity for planning and management in water sector and sanitation sector
- Roles and responsibilities in implementing the water supply and sanitation program (present and future)
- Technical and financial management skills
- Technical knowledge about the matters of the program
- Techniques and modalities to implement awareness raising programsTerms of Reference for a Vietnamese consultant in Capacity Building in Water Supply & Sanitation – update 18/03/2010 10:54:00

- Planning, designing and tendering of rural water schemes
- Construction implementation of the physical project components of the water and sanitation program
- Solid waste management, including solid waste collection and disposal
- O&M of rural water schemes and solid waste management schemes
- Exposure to alternative techniques and management modalities
- Access to proper planning and management tools
- Understanding and importance of environment awareness raising for the various groups in society

As the project’s full time capacity building and awareness raising expert lacks sufficient expertise and experience in both subject matters, the service of the senior national consultant are required for
supporting him as well as the PPMU management during start up of the project. The national consultant must ensure that the activities performed by the project are based on proven methods, sound principles and experienced judgment, in particular with regard to Results 1 of the programme. The capacity building and awareness raising expert of the PPMU will coordinate the work of the consultant and later he will be charged with implementing the program, eventually with the support and under the supervision of the consultant who supported him to draw up the programs. The national consultant in capacity building will be required to perform a total input of about 30 working days in the project. His mission would be divided in three assignments:
1. A first assignment in late May 2010 for setting up, starting up and implementing a capacity needs assessment programme of the different partner organizations;
2. A second assignment about one month later, for preparing the work plan on Result 1 (Capacity building), together with the capacity building and awareness raising expert of the PPMU, who will then further detail and work out the plan;
3. A third assignment approximately one month later (July or August 2010), to verify the worked out plan, enhance it and finalize it.

Applications should include CV and short motivation letter (max. 300 words), and submitted electronically to [email protected].
For more information about this position or the project, please contact
Bui Ngoc Can (Mr.)
Capacity Building & Awareness Raising for VIE 0703511
35, Le Loi – TP Quy Nhon,Binh Dinh province
[email protected]

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Water Supply and Sanitation Program in Binh Dinh Province” (WSSP) Project
Binh Dinh province
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2010-03-31