NGO Activities

Climate change activities of non-governmental organisations in Vietnam


Non-governmental organisations are planning and implementing a range of climate change activities in their own right and through other networks. Details of climate change project activities of non-governmental organisations are listed and regularly updated in the Vietnam Projects matrix. The matrix has been produced by the World Bank, in collaboration with the Government of Vietnam, donors and NGOs.


The Climate Change Working Group co-hosts the non-governmental organisation capacity building project with the Vietnamese non-governmental organisations climate change network.



Major International non-governmental organisations present in Vietnam are working on climate change.  For further information see:

  • ActionAid Vietnam - eradicating poverty by facilitating the process of empowering the poorest and excluded people with special reference to ethnic minorities and women.
  • CARE International - CARE Climate Change Information Centre. CARE seeks a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security.
  • Catholic Relief Services - assists impoverished and disadvantaged people… to promote the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the human person.
  • East Meets West - transforms the health, education and communities of disadvantaged people in Southeast Asia by building partnerships, developing opportunities and creating sustainable solutions.
  • GRET - a professional solidarity and international cooperation association; GRET work to contribute to sustainable, fair development and alleviate poverty and structural inequalities. Their actions aim to increase the incomes of rural and urban populations, reduce their vulnerability, improve their access to quality infrastructures and services, and develop their ability to be heard.
  • Oxfam Vietnam / Oxfam International - Oxfam International is a confederation of 14 like-minded organizations working together and with partners and allies around the world to bring about lasting change. We believe we can end poverty and injustice, as part of a global movement for change.
  • RECOFTC - The Center for People and Forests, capacity building for community forestry and devolved forest management and now REDD.
  • SNV - SNV is an international development organisation of Dutch origin.  SNV supports national and local actors within government, civil society and the private sector to find and implement local solutions to social and economic development challenges.
  • VVOB - Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance.
  • World Wildlife Fund - WWF’s ultimate goal is to build a future where people live in harmony with nature.


Vietnamese non-governmental organisations active in climate change can be found through the following links:

  • The Institute for Training, Research and Technology Development (TDI) hosts 'FORUM CLIMATE CHANGE'. This is an interactive website in Vietnamese and English to change awareness and behavior, exchange information and share experience in climate change.  The director is Nguyen Van Cuong and if you are interested in participating in the forum you can register on
  • SRD - The Centre for Sustainable Rural Development.


If you would like your organisations web page to be listed please email to: Phan thu Ha at [email protected] with your weblink and a short description.


For global information and non-governmental organisation's campaigns relating to climate change see:

  • UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, negotiation the global deals for climate change.
  • tcktcktck- time for climate justice, Tcktcktck is a global campaign enabling citizens to influence participants in UNFCCC  negotiations.
  • 350 - an international campaign dedicated to building a movement to unite the world around solutions to the climate crisis, the solutions that science and justice demand.
  • 100 Places - photographs of 100 places around the world destined to disappear with climate change.
  • Climate Crisis Coalition Newsfeed - coalition to create awareness and convey a sense of urgency about the climate crisis and broaden the constituency of the climate action movement.
  • Earth Policy Institute - planning a sustainable future as well as providing a roadmap of how to get from here to there.
  • Green Facts (multi-lingual) - brings complex scientific consensus reports on health and the environment to the reach of non-specialists.