NGO Resource Centre Newsletter February 15 - 29


Welcome to the NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for February 15 - 29, 2008.

In the member news this week, we would like to make a call for election for three INGO representatives for the Steering Committee of the NGO RC and one INGO representative for the International Support Group–MARD. Interested candidates for the NGO RC Steering committee and the ISG-MARD Partnership group should submit a brief “text for consideration” to the Managing Co-director by February 22 at [email protected]. Members will be informed about the nominations and/or candidatures on the same day. The election(s) will take place at the next INGO Forum meeting scheduled for February 29, 2008.

In 2007, INGOs and the NGO RC formally represented the INGO community in a number of groups and committees. The representatives were elected by the INGO Forum and include:

The Health Partnership Group (HPG). Two INGO representatives: Laura edeen, Pathfinder International/PI (from 2004), and Michelle Gardner, Program for Appropriate Technology Health/PATH (from October 2006).

The International Support Group–MARD (ISG–MARD). INGO Representative: to be elected.

The Partnership Group for Aid Effectiveness (PGAE), INGO representative: NGO RC Managing Co-Director (from July 2006).

The HIV Policy and Programme Coordination Committee (HPPCC). Four INGO representatives: Diana Measham, Country Representative/PACT, Peter Barnard, Country Representative/Medecins du Monde Vietnam, Stephen Mills, Country Director/Family Health International, Vietnam, and Susan Wood, Program Officer, Sexuality and Reproductive Health, The Ford Foundation Office for Vietnam and Thailand.

The Consultative Group Meeting, four INGO representatives: Kim N. B. Binh, Country Representative, The Asia Foundation (TAF); Phan Van Ngoc,Country Director, ActionAid Vietnam (AAV); Steve Price-Thomas, Country Director, Oxfam Great Britain (OGB); and Jez Stoner, Save The Children United Kingdom (Save the Children UK).

In other news, we would like to inform you that at the end of February, we bid farewell to Ms. Anne Thomas, Country Manager of Viet Nam & ChinaAustralian Volunteers International, where she has worked for the past year. She will be replaced by Mr. Bill Benjamin.

There are five working group meetings coming up in the next month: the Climate Change Working Group will be held on February 20 from 14:00 – 17:00 at NGO Resource Centre; the Disaster Management Working Group will be held on February 21 from 14:00 – 16:00 at NGO Resource Centre; the HIV/AIDS Working Group will be held on March 12 from 14:00 – 16:00, location to be confirmed; the Disability Working Group will be held on March 13 from 14:00 – 16:00
at NGO Resource Centre; and the Administrative Working Group will be held on March 20 from 15:00 – 17:00 at NGO RC.

The next INGO Forum meeting will be held on February 29. Further details regarding time and location will be released soon.

See the Calendar section for more details.