Capacity Development Specialist for Climate Change Actions

Capacity Development Specialist for Climate Change Actions (Short Term Expert- National)

UN-Habitat in partnership with Adelphi is implementing the “Vertical Integration and Learning on Low Emission Development (V-LED) Project” with support of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB). This four-year project is geared towards supporting governments (Philippines, Vietnam, Kenya, and South Africa) to foster climate resilience and low-emission development pathways through improved multi-level governance and knowledge management.

Deadline for submissions: 25 July 2016

The V-LED project will be implemented in Vietnam from 2016 to 2018. The overall goal of this project is to systematically strengthen subnational and national government representatives’ local climate action planning, coordination and implementation capacities in the Vietnam. It will specifically support the mainstreaming of low carbon development into City Development Strategies and also integrate low emission development good practices into policy dialogues on urban sustainable development hence contribute to National Urban Development Strategy and guidelines. The project’s implementation in Vietnam as designed is consistent with the Focus Areas of the One Plan 2012-2016 and the UN-Habitat Agenda in Vietnam. The project will take off from UN-HABITAT’s existing partnerships with national government agencies in implementing urban management programmes, including climate change initiatives for and in cities.

In order to pursue the V-LED activities with key partner and key actor of the project, MOC (the Ministry of Construction) and AMC (the Academy for Managers for Construction and Cities), UN-Habitat Office in Vietnam requires the services of “Capacity Development Specialist” in the field of Climate Change to optimize and expand the existing sub-national level practical guide/training modules of the AMC on the topic of climate resilient low carbon development based on existing content and other existing guides and issuances from government.

Download Terms of Reference here

Address for Applications:
Email: [email protected]

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2016-07-25